Saturday, September 10, 2005


From time to time, I will come back and update this list. This is not to be confused with people who want to speak like Bush (aka Bushisms, or stammering post-alcoholic language), but rather times when people were tired, or couldn't find the right word and this fumbled out. I would like to take credit for the creation of some of these, but unfortunately I did not muster them all myself. So here they are:

Lasterday: (8.20.05) In reference to a previous day, the word was flubbed by a family member due to changing their mind in realization that the day in question was more recent than initially thought.

Rememberable: (9.7.05) Heard a caller accidentally say it on a radio station and it stuck with me. The intention was to say that they were in fact "memorable."

Shitnacks: (1.13.06) Used to define the nicknacks people place on their desktops. Only, these are the crummy ones that just sit there and rarely get used, and overall are just clutter.

Somethingville: (10.26.05) In reference to a city ending in "ville" that I brilliantly forgot, and people understood what I meant with this fall out. it ewas a clash of two sentences, one ending with "Something" and then an overlap of another sentence recognizing the fact that the city was a "ville."

Sweather: (10.24.05) In a conversation about the weather, a coworker combined the words weather and sweater when she was talking about how she had been debating what to wear.