Monday, October 10, 2005

Python vs Alligator! Bonus Giant Squid!

Photo taken in Florida's Everglades National Park on 26 September 2005. A 13-foot Burmese python attempted to swallow a 6-foot American alligator, resulting in both animals' being found dead with the gator's hind end protruding from the snake's burst midsection. It isn't clear whether the python was simply stretched too far trying to swallow the alligator, or the gator clawed a hole in the python with its back legs as the snake attempted to ingest it. (It isn't even clear whether the alligator was still alive at the time the snake encountered it, or whether the python merely came across and ate a gator that had already died or been killed by something else.)
Taken from
CNN and Snopes

Japanese scientists have photographed for the first time in the wild a live giant squid, one of the most mysterious creatures of the deep sea. The team, led by Tsunemi Kubodera from the National Science Museum in Tokyo, tracked the 8-meter (25-foot) long Architeuthis as it attacked prey at 900 meters deep off the coast of Japan's Bonin islands.
Even so, it was something of a pipsqueak by the standards of the species, with the largest yet washed ashore - in New Zealand, at about 18m - more than twice as big.
Taken from CNN and AU News