Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Random Facts 8

House flies
House flies hum in the key of F.

Degree Sign
The degree sign ( ° ) is an ancient symbol representing the sun.
Owl Snore

Barned owls snore.

It's easier to find gold than to win the lottery.

Technically speaking, coffee is a fruit juice.
1. The chicken is the closest living relative of Tyrannosaurus rex.
2. The amount of waste chicken generates in its lifetime could power 100-watt light bulb for five hours.
Worldwide, chickens outnumber humans.

3. If the chicken has a white earlobe, its eggs will be white. If it's earlobe is red, the eggs will be brown-shelled. An exception, Arucana chickens can lay green, pink, and blue eggs.
Uncle John's 18th Edition Fast-Acting Long-Lasting Bathroom Reader, Bathroom Readers' Institute, 2005, pg. xi, 14-17, 19

Glass Bottle Energy

Every glass bottle recycled saves enough energy to light a 15-watt energy-efficient lightbulb for 24 hours, and saves raw materials (sand, limestone, and soda ash). Recycling one glass jar saves enough energy to watch TV for three hours.
Fact or Crap 1.2.06 Calendar, Page-a-Day.

Health Tips from Men's Health Magazine, May 2005, pg 54, 60, November 2005, pg 46.

1. If your gums bleed when you brush your teeth. Eat a grapefruit in the morning.

2. If your legs seize up after you leave gym. Eat a banana and drink a glass of water. Muscle cramps don't mean he overdid it at the gym, they tend to be a sign of deficiency.

3.If you can't breathe. Eat a few fish fillets or spinach each week, magnesium helps to improve lung function and reduce frequency of asthma attacks.

4. Disinfect a wound: Pour a dab of honey on a cut before covering it with a bandage. Honey has powerful antibacterial properties. Honey was capable of destroying almost all strains of the most common wound infecting bacteria.

5. Repair dry skin: Rub a small amount corn oil over dry skin on your hands or feet, to add moisture and seal it into the area.

6. Too much vitamin C may cause kidney stones. When researchers at Washington State University gave 2000 mg of vitamin C - more than 22 times the daily recommendation 90 mg – to 48 people for six days, 40 percent of the participants experienced a 10 percent increase in their levels of urinary oxalate, a building block of kidney stones. Limit your supplement and take to 500 mg a day.

7. Think twice about skipping workouts. Researchers at the University of Missouri at Columbia have found that your muscles' insulin efficiency decreases after just two days of inactivity.

8. Drink brewed green tea to burn blubber. Green tea may be a more effective fat fighter than previously thought. In a recent Japanese study, men who drank tea high end catechins lost nearly 5 pounds, compared with no drop in weight for men who drank an ordinary brew. Lead researcher Ichiro Tokimitsu, Ph.D. suggests that the catechins may help hustle fat molecules out of the bloodstream before they're deposited around year middle. Drink three 15 ounce servings of green tea day.