Friday, April 21, 2006

Nitpicks & Rumors - April

Gripe - United 93 Movie
I don't care if this is the greatest movie of all time. The actors may be awesome, the director and visuals superb...that is nice. In fact, I am sure that it may reflect one of the greatest well-intentioned tribute complimenting all those on board. However, I don't want to see it. I don't want to hear the hype, and I don't want the McDonald's collectors cup. (No there isn't a cup, the comment is directed at the commercialism of a tragedy). I wish all those involved the best, nothing against them. I'm just saying, this is one I do not need to see.
Pick - The Gospel of Judas (Iscariot)
Recently, National Geographic Society unveiled the restored and translated Gospel of Judas (found in 1978, special thanks to Rebecca for tipping me about the special on her MySpace page), and I tuned in to learn more about it. Don't expect Christians to spin out over this because it has reasonably been speculated that the gospel was composed by the Gnostics ("one of several early Christian sects 45-350 AD," whom more specifically believed, "that individuals carry a spark of the divine within them," and "a flawed God created a flawed world"). "Christians long ago rejected Gnosticism as incompatible with their beliefs." But hey, I still found the 1,700 year-old (roughly 180 AD), Coptic Egyptian translation of the original (translated from 220-340 AD), on a crumbling papyrus manuscript, interesting none-the-less. In fact it made me currious about the other 25 or so Gospels (Gospel of Thomas was found in 1945, the Gospel of the Savior found in 1990, and the Gospel of Mary found in the late 19th century are three examples of others). "The New Testament Gospels disagree on the details but leave no doubt that Judas came to a bad end (in 30 AD). He may have hung himself, tormented by guilt, as reported in Matthew. But in Acts, he is described as throwing himself down violently in a field, rending his stomach with a fatal wound." The Gospel of Judas depicts Judas in a Gnostics manner. Interesting standpoint, especially since he is "a figure who became the prototypical evil Jew for generations of anti-Semites." Historians on the National Geographic special state that of the four gospels in the New Testiment, the portrayal of Judas becomes darker with each new gospel. "The crushing defeat of the A.D.-66-to-70 and subsequent A.D.-132-to-135 Jewish revolts may have helped to create a schism between Judaism and the burgeoning Christian faith. Some scholars believe that early Christian identity was solidified by the desire of its followers to differentiate themselves from Jewish leader Simon Bar Kokhba, who claimed that he was the true Messiah, instead of Jesus." Matthew, Mark, Luke & John were written about 65-95 AD. St. Athanasius of Alexandria penned (as a Bishop in 367 AD) "Discourses Against the Arians—his strongest indictment of Arianism and most precise description of orthodox Christian belief, as represented by the four New Testament Gospels." Why did his arguement elevate these four gospels over the others?
Information and quotes taken from
National Geographic, and The Week Magazine, April 21, 2006, Vol 6, Iss 255, Pg. 17.
Gripe - Howie Mandel
I have never liked Howie Mandel. Maybe it's the clownish psych grin that won't scrub off of his face...I don't know exactly what the characteristic is. I can hear some people now saying, "but what about Bobby's World?" My answer can be found in the beginning of what I just said...meaning that no, obviously I don't like that irritating drabbly voice of Bobby or Mandel's human appearance in a cartoon. I don't like that eithe so don't ask! (Please) However, recently I was duped. I watched the first terrible game show episode of "Deal or No Deal," (a show which I waited for to get better but was more of the same, boring) and the ext time I saw it, my mother-in-law observed that the charming, warm, funny host was Howie. Ahhh! I didn't realize it myself! Then, when I read in the 18th Edition of Uncle John's Fast-Acting Long-Lasting Bathroom Reader, he was "expelled from his Toronto high school for pretending to be a member of the school board and convincing a construction company to start work on an addition to the school." Ok, I have to admit, that last part does sound rather funny.
Gripe - Lifehouse - You & Me
The whole song comes off as an ok tune. For those who haven't heard the radio in a while, it may mean nothing to you. As for me, I am fine with the lyric "what day is it," but when they say, "and also what month" I just want to blow the speakers to pieces. I really despise that line, it sounds dumb. Yes, it works, and it annoys me. I want to smack the guy for asking. If he was cooking a meal for me, I would ask, "what is for dinner, oh...and what is the vegetable." or things like that, just to piss him off.
Gripe - Blunt - Beautiful
If you could combine the sound of someone pinching a deflating balloon making it squeel along with fingernails on a chaulkboard, then you have found a better sound than this guys chorus. I cannot stand the twitchy sound the guy makes when he says "you're beautiful" followed by the pansy wisp of, "it's true." the rest of the song isn't my kind of thing, yet it is toleratable.
Gripe - Internets
From time to time I have heard people say "internets" with that pointlessly annoying little "s" at the end. I don't care if it is the correct use or not, I just don't like how it sounds.
Gripe - Shaving Cream Sampler
There is a very good chance this does in fact exist, and I just haven't seen it yet. But I was thinking, a lot of magazines contain aftershave sample packets for men. I remember them being there for a long time. Even in college welcome baskets and so on. Has this happend with shaving cream? Or even the gel-foam shaving cream? Why not? Other than the fact that it seems like the are trying to sell a temporary odor...I am still surprised. Using a companies aftershave is not going to convince me to use their shaving cream.
Pick - Pop-up Video
That's right, I said it...I miss this show.
Gripe - Volkswagen Ads
Showing people safely leaving an accident. Horrible idea, these crumpled car images are not encouraging me to purchase a car. If I was selling a gun would I show children playing with it to accent the safety feature? No. These ads have got to go. As an extra bonus, after I noted this, VH1's Best Week Ever poked at the campaign as well.

Gripe - Hulk 2
I cannot believe that they are going ahead on a
Hulk 2 movie after the horrid first one...a Hulk 2 over a Daredevil 2, just unbelievable.
Pick - Moo
This weekend we drove past some cows. That's right, I mooed at em. You've got to, isn't that an unwritten rule somewhere?
Gripe - Lame DVD's
Think of the recent special edition DVD releases such as Wedding Singer and Cutting Edge. These are not special editions, they barely add a hint of extras and then become a vehicle for some other release (such as the Wedding Singer on stage and Cutting Edge 2). If your going to make a special edition, make one, don't do it to sell something else because it only cheapens the original.
Pick - Google vs Yahoo vs MSN vs etc...
Google - It must have been a year or so of Google's existence that I became a big fan. So many search engines had banners and ads all over the place and google was exactly the kind of search engine I wanted. However, at the time, Dogpile and AltaVista were pretty good too, but I was a google fan.
Gmail - The biggest thing to really push me in to being a die-hard fan was definitely gmail. The first selling feature was the 2000 MB storage and the fact that they continue to add storage. My next favorite was that responses to an email stay grouped together like a stack of index cards (love that). The search mail feature was a sweet idea too. And, I know that some email providers did this already, but not all, when you type in a name to email, the pulldown list of names comes up, and I like that especially if I am deciding between a work vs personal address. Filters, man do I love em. I like the ability of having specific email go where I want it to, like say known spam, or requesting that newsletters, etc can e automatically placed under a label. I love the label feature too. It has made organization rather simple. The WebClip option has been fun to use, but I really would like Google Reader to be adapted into Gmail better. With that said, since Google has been in Beta forever, sometime in February 2005 I came up with a list of additional features I would like to see within Gmail.
1. Manage Contacts: Add another tab within contacts so that I can separate people if I choose to like say "Business Contacts" or by "Whatever we want to name the tab." If I had the option of multiple tabs I could separate them into tabs like job opportunities, fan mailing lists, newsletter organizations, email addresses that don't work, family, friends...etc.
2. Email Size: I would also like to see how big an email is...maybe next to where the time is in the upper right.
3&4. Manage Filters (organize & search): I would also like the filter section to have a little more organization to it. Maybe alphabetically, or by labels (options) given...something. It's kind of a pain finding ones to edit. Also, maybe make the search feature applicable here too. I mean, expand the search option of "search mail" and "search web" to include "search filters" or something. 5. Multiple Signatures: I'd also like to have the option of multiple signatures. Primarily so I can use them for other reasons. One for work, maybe one with a quote, or another with a pet name, etc.6. Email Monitor: Is it possible to have an option to show when somebody received an email? date/time that they opened it? 7. Welcome Name: I would like my name in the upper right hand corner of the screen instead of my address showing (next to settings, help, and sign out). 8. Notifier Bypass (as an Option): I would like the Gmail notifier to show new mail notifications for messages filtered to bypass inbox, as an option that I may or may not select, but can choose to do so at will.9. Block List: I would like to have a block list I could use, I don't want to report some things as spam...because I still get spam from the same place sent. 10. Simple Google Group Access: a simple access feature to get into Google Groups I am part of from my email page. But then, I would also like to be able to have Alerts be a better part of gmail, Google Reader, and Calendar too. It seems like the Calendar could be added like Google Talk on the left side... 11. Web Page Jump Links: Similarly, I would also like to have a spot where I can jump to my favorite web pages. Heck, the idea of our own free homepage would work too...or just a direct access to Blogger accounts, and Blogger friends accounts. 12. New Filters Apply to Archived Mail: Have "Filters" optionally apply to ALL emails instead of just those selected or just new emails. Once we have hundreds or thousands of emails, being able to globally process emails may become essential. 13. Gmail notification in Google Toolbar: Integrate Gmail notification into the Google Toolbar, I would rather have the notification up there than in the startup tray...regardless, I would like to see the option available on the toolbar. Maybe when toolbar is activated, the notifier in the tray is noid. 14. Automatic Spell Check: I would like this to be available as an option to have spell check working automatically. Maybe it could even suggest the word you are typing as you type (like some spell checks include on Pocket PC's). 15. Automatic Label: I think that the use of should automatically place under said "+label" (or make a new label based on what said "+label says," and then place it there). Or at least have the option to do so. 16. Stars: When you click on a blank star it turns yellow. Why not offer other primary and secondary colors too to serve multiple purposes. 17. Delete Sent Email: I would like to be able to delete mail after it has been sent. 18. Translator: Include an optional feature for email to translate (into any language)19. Gnotes, The Email Notes: There are times when I want to make a personal comment on a received email. Little tidbits I would like to remember. Rather than writing a message and sending to myself, I would like to have an option to add a note to received messages.
Groups - for a brief time Yahoo had really pulled me into the world of groups. So, it was only a matter time before I became involved with googles version. The phase didn't last long for either, but I can say that I didn't really like googles version nearly as much.
Notifier - At times this feature is awesome. At other times it's annoying.
1. Modification: I would really like to see this feature adapted into the Google Toolbar. Google Toolbar has an icon for gmail, why not modify it to become a notifier as well? I would like that a lot better than signing in and having the notfier in the tray.
2. Options: Have the option to view specific filters (and those that are directed into specific labels) as they arrive in the inbox.
Toolbar - Beautiful. You can add buttons you want on the bar, or even create your own. That is awesome. The search bar provides many search options, and the Bookmarks section is just great for those who want their "Favorites" tab to be attainable on other computers. I have been a big fan of the Spell Check and Popup Blocker options. Aside from the Gmail button, I really like the button (highlight a word, click the button and bam!) and the weather button (run your mouse over it and specifics pop up for the area). Improvements and modifications to the toolbar are happening all the time, so I am pretty satisfied with where its at. Of course I would like the Gmail button to work as a Notfier (as mentioned earlier).
Chat - The fact that Google Chat has morphed into Gmail, is plain hands down awesome. There would be a few things I would like tweaked and updated about it, but seriously, just being in gmail is good as it is. Another aspect I appreciate is the ability to save conversations like email instead of on the computer...and of course the on/off the record feature!
Calendar - Love it already, even in its beta stage...but heck, Gmail is still in beta! I have created several calendars already. Naturally I have one for events and whatever goings on for planning purposes, but I have also expanded. I made a calendar just for birthdays (so I can opt not to show them or only show Birthdays), another for my fiancees events, holidays, horoscopes, work, historical events and others. A new calendar is like the label option in Gmail. Another plus that I like is the map option. Stick in the location of an event and it will try to simply locate it on google maps. Awesome (because I really like hybrid maps with satellite, easier for me to navigate...and its handy for dinner reservations, interviews, etc) Oh, and how could I even forget the search option. Trust me, if you haven't had the chance to use that option with Gmail (then obviously you haven't been able to do it with any email), you would know how handily helpful it is. I like the idea of being able to share calendars, think of it, say a significant other, a sibling, close friend, whatever, creates a calendar, and shares it with you and you can simply check it out. That is awesome and easily adaptable to integrate into your own if you so desire! In any event, look how much it has made me ramble. Seriously, I like it overall.
1. Format: I would like to have it as a shrinkable option in Gmail like the way Labels & Google Talk do (I ask the same of Google Reader!).
2. Date Originated: I like being able to Import (from Outlook, Yahoo etc) but I really wish that the starting dates would transfer. Like birthday year (doesn't seem to convert).
3. Visual Age: I would love to be able to automatically see on the calendar how old somebody would be, or how old an annual event is etc.
4. Simplify Detail Viewings: I would also like to be able to see details without having to open it up two or three ways.
5. Settings: When a calendar is new, it asks if you would like it emailed...I clicked no, and now regret it because now there doesn't seem to be an option to change your mind in the matter. Add one!
6. Backup or Exportability: I would also like to be able to back calendars up, like say maybe an option to export them into Excel or something like that.
7. Scrolling Option: I would also like to be able to you the scroll button on the mouse to be able to advance throughout the year instead of clicking.
8. Faster Month/Year jumps: maybe an option to change month/year simply, it takes so long to go through.
9. Window Popup feature: say your looking at a monthly view, and on a given day there are more than three entries, instead of the screen opening to a single day or agenda format (meaning you would have to press back or change the format back to monthly when you were done), why not pop up in a separate window?
Alerts - The alerts option is great in that you can set up searches to inform you of updates. Like say what I tend to do is, if there is a book or movie coming out way down the line, or something obscure...I place it in alerts, set up my options, then I receive an email when news comes out. Its great. Especially for things I forget about.
1. I would like to have alert setting be adaptable under the gmail settings option, and not have to go elsewhere to do it. That is irritating.
Reader - An excellent way to consolidate and organize all the RSS feeds that are out there. I really like it, but it has some massive bugs in its beta stage that really keep it moving slow.
1. Delete labellings that I don't use anymore. I don't need to see groups I deleted in my dropdown list thanks.
2. After I have read something, I want it gone (if I haven't placed a star on it). But instead I see some of the same old feeds again and again.
3. Date it: I don't want to be reading month old material...just whatever was within the last day or so...I would like a feature to filter out all the extra info that is stored...
4. Integrate this into gmail. Maybe the same way "Chats" have a location, make a "Reader" option.
Page - Making your own webpage, that's cool and fun, but I am still just fine with blogger.
Video - Still feels in the rough early stages, but it is still pretty good.
Maps - I love google maps. Especially for the hybrid maps of Satellite images and street names.
--- --- ---
Yahoo - I have rarely used Yahoo as a search engine. About the time AOL and Yahoo were the buzzwords, I steered away from them as much as possible. I picked up a Yahoo email address back in the day because it had more storage than hotmail, and sent bigger attachments easier. But that was about it. From there I used it for junk mailings, artist fan mailings etc. Otherwise at the time, I really liked my hotmail. Gmail has since become my primary favorite. I also had created the account so that I could chat with my friends who had Yahoo emails (and I used Trillian - which was a chat program that combined most of the chats I could talk to everyone with one loggin).
Groups - For a while I loved Yahoo Groups, I was on the information overload wave searching for any kind of tidbit...I like Yahoo Groups better than Google Groups...simply because most groups are still active.
360 - I think I like Yahoo 360 because it is not MySpace. 360 did what I wanted it too. It provided a page I could use as a platform for my blogs. A main go to spot for my friends to go from, and could be updated more dated confusing Blog Postings...
Avatar - Why do I like the Avatar thing so much? I haven't the slightest clue, but I do. It's like a modern day barbie or something. Taking this caricature and playing dress-up...I like being able to send postcards for birthdays, etc.
Answers - I fell into obsessiveness with this one...I like it, and its a smart smart idea. Get your questions answered here, and improve your status by answering or voting on answers...its great fun!
Station - Initially, I liked the idea of having my own station, and I zipped away to define my tastes...but there is still a long way to go and my interest is so-so. Mainly as a result of streaming, and listening to podcasts. I still really like having my own radio though (it beats sifting through CDs). With 10,960 ratings (667 artists, 2,429 albums, & 7,864 songs) at the time I wrote this ( 4.26.06), you can check out my station here.
Podcast - I love it, when streaming has reached its fill, I can listen to various types of shows whenever I want. Yahoo has a cool MySubscription location.
Movies - Its fun, I like to be able to rate movies I have seen, and see based on how I voted, if I will like another or not...
Flickr - There are so many picture things out there, and this one
Maps - The Hybrid map is ok, but not as good as Google's, however, the scroll button on the mouse works...and that is great. I like how you can save locations too...that makes things easy at times. I also like the browse by category option (I know youo can use the search bar in google).
--- --- ---
Hotmail - Oh hotmail, you were there for me in the beginning. Back when I used to share an email through my dad, I explored a little thing called hotmail. That was a few years after the end of my BBS days. I liked it for the most part, and I kept it because my high school friends knew it, and of course chats. However, space was restrictive and attachments were sometimes funky to open, so I got a Yahoo email to counter that. Then gmail came along...and impressively put hotmail way on the back burner of use for me. Recently I upped the account by converting it into the Windows Live beta stuff, and that is nice. Its neat. But not quite as impressive as Gmail. If I had to lose three email addresses, it would first be ICQ, AOL then Yahoo (only Yahoo email, not the other Yahoo programs). Leaving Gmail and Hotmail.
Live - its interesting. Not quite where I would want it to be, but quickly working on that.
MSN Blog - I had started on other ones already, and wasn't going to tell people I had changed mine again, unless something jumps out that pulls me in to use it, I have an empty blog at MSN...
WebChat - Nifty concept...I like it because you can use it at places where you may be unable to download chats...but then, I'd rather use meebo if that was the case.
Maps - I like the birds eye view option...that is sweet, or the street views in Seattle (but that loads slowly). The Satellite images can zoom in further in areas far from the city, but are a good 20 years old. The pushpin, permalink and scratch pad features are all great too. The grid screens annoy me though.
--- --- ---
MySpace -
LiveJournal -
Bebo -
Trillian -
Meebo -
Hi5 -

All Lit Up
A comedy that'll team Matthew Broadrick with Danny DeVito. According to Variety, the two will play neighbours who start feuding when one decorates his house so brightly for for Christmas that you can see it from space! The movie, which starts shooting next month, marks the reunion of "Big Momma's House 2" director John Whitesell and screenwriter Don Rhymer
American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile
The fifth film will fix on Adam Stifler, the cousin of Matt and Steve (Sean William Scott in the first three films), a youngster whose anything alike his wild relations. Peer pressure starts to turn him though, with his pals coaxing him into helping host the college 'Naked Mile' – which is essentially a naked-run across the college campus. Joe Nussbaum will direct from a script by Erik Lindsay. Set to start shooting May 29, in Toronto. No word on Eugene Levy, yet – but chances are he'll be coaxed.
Fast Food Nation
The book Fast Food Nation is set to become a movie. An ensemble piece examining the health risks involved in the fast food industry and its environmental and social consequences as well. Directed by Richard Linklater (School of Rock, Dazed and Confused)
Hills Have Eyes Sequel
Wes Craven says he and his son Jonathan will write the sequel. "We want to continue the story of the miners," Craven said. "This time, a group of National Guard screw-ups come face to face with the mutants on their last day of training in the desert. We will take the audience underground [into the mines] as well. Craven also has another film about to get and going. "I'm writing a film called 'Bug.' It's an original script, and it's not about killer insects. It's a thriller set in a high school. The bug of the title refers to a surveillance device."
The Hollywood Reporter reports that Universal Pictures has purchased the script "Loudermilk" as a vehicle for Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite) to star in. Heder also is producing with his brothers Dan and Doug Heder via their Universal-based shingle Greasy Entertainment. This will be the first production for the Heder brothers since forming their company at Universal. The movie's details are being kept a secret but is described as a "high comedy."
Mr. Bean 2
Rowan Atkinson has reportedly signed up to appear in another 'Mr Bean' film. Which means those unlucky enough to watch it will have to sit through another hour and half of grunts and terrible slap stick comedy. According to Ananova, the new film will follow Bean as he travels to the South of France for a holiday.
Mrs Doubtfire 2
In an interview with Newsday, Rorbin Williams says “Mrs Doubtfire 2” is off. "No, not happening. The script they had just didn't work." Apparently said script involved Williams’, as Mrs Doubtfire, moving close to his daughter’s college, so he can keep an eye on her.
Dreamworks Pictures has Eddie Murphy starring in the comedy directed by Brian Robbins (The Shaggy Dog). The movie tells of a shy man (Murphy) who is forced to marry a monstrous woman (also Murphy), only to meet the woman of his dreams.
The Number 23
Directed by Joel Schumacher, and staring Jim Carrey, the film is still in production. A man becomes obsessed with a book that appears to be based on his life but ends with a murder that has yet to happen in real life.
Ripley's Believe It or Not
Tim Burton's Believe It or Not picks up with Ripley at the time when he gained celebrity status through a "Believe it or Not" column that chronicled his search for the greatest oddities in the world. Along the way, he starts to respect his unusual human discoveries as more than mere conquests to be documented. Aimed for a 2007 release.
Scary Movie 5
Because of the Box Office take-in during Scary Movie 4 on it's first weekend, Scary Movie is now rolling into production, geared for release the same time next year.
Seven Day Itch
Ben Stiller will reteam with There's Something About Mary directors Bobby and Peter Farrelly to topline Seven Day Itch, a loose remake of The Heartbreak Kid that is set up at DreamWorks. Variety reports that Stiller is in final talks to star as a man who hastily weds a woman he thinks is perfect -- until he falls in love with another while on his honeymoon. The project is a loosely inspired remake of the 1972 film written by Neil Simon and directed by Elaine May. The Farrellys are also attached to direct a redo of the French comedy The Valet for DreamWorks.
Three Stooges
Jeff Daniels, the "Three Stooges" remake envisioned by Bobby and Peter Farrelly will continue its slow casting process, because the "Shallow Hal" creators are no knuckleheads. "The Farrellys talked about it [to me] about a year and a half ago," Daniels said. "They're still playing around on the script." Daniels said one of the filmmakers' concerns is the Stooges' height, so they'll be in appropriate eye-poking range. "I think that a lot has to do with the casting of Moe. They're centering on [that]. Whoever they get for Moe, and however tall he is, you know, will indicate who Larry and Curly are."
Game Shows
The companies behind the long-running syndicated shows "Wheel of Fortune" and "Jeopardy!" have joined forces to create two game shows targeted to launch in fall 2007. "Wheel," which consistently ranks as the No. 1 show in all of syndication, is in its 23rd season, while "Jeopardy!" -- generally in the top three among all syndicated shows, is in its 22nd season. They are produced by Sony and sold to stations by King World. King World Prods. and Sony Pictures Television are set to announce Monday that they will offer two half-hour game shows as a one-hour block in syndication.
1 vs. 100
4.26.06) NBC has given the green light to 1 vs. 100, a new game show from the producer of Deal or No Deal. The set-up has something to do with answering trivia questions as you face a mob of 100 people.
4.26.06) is debuting this week its own free Wikipedia resource tool devoted to science fiction facts, definitions and terminology. The Scifipedia, as it is dubbed, will offer 1,000 entries at first, each begging to be expounded upon, added to, and at times called into question by overenthusiastic recitations of canon, by the site's visitors and experts.
Fatboy Slim
4.10.06) Fatboy Slim has recorded a new single called "That Old Pair of Jeans," which he will include on The Greatest Hits - Why Try Harder, due June 20. Another new track, "Champion Sound" (featuring Lateef), will also be included, as well as the DJ's remixes of Cornershop's "Brimful of Asha" and Groove Armada's "I See You Baby." A best-of DVD, "The Greatest Hits - Why Make Videos," is due the same day.
Lostprophets - Liberation Transmission
4.10.06 ) The Lostprophets have set a June 27 release date for their third album, Liberation Transmission. The Welsh rockers are shooting the video for the first single, "Rooftops," in Los Angeles this week.
4.26.06) Metric frontwoman Emily Haines is taking a break from her synth-rock day gig to make her solo debut with Knives Don't Have Your Back, due September 26. Recorded over four years in four cities — New York, Los Angeles, Montreal and her hometown of Toronto — the 12-track album was produced by John O'Mahoney (Strokes, System of a Down) and Metric guitarist Jimmy Shaw. Knives also includes collaborations with fellow Canadian musicians Justin Peroff (Broken Social Scene) and Evan Cranley (Stars). The sound is an intimate and subtle collection of mellow, piano-driven tunes complimented by soft string and horn arrangements. Tracks include: 1. Our Hell, 2. The Lottery, 3. Doctor Blind, 4. Nothing & Nowhere, 5. Crowd Surf Off A Cliff, 6. The Maid Needs A Maid, 7. Mostly Waving, 8. City Of Night, 9. Reading In Bed, 10. Detective Daughter, 11. Winning, 12. The Last Page.
Lumines Plus (2006, ESRB Rating) PS, Spot, IGN , Spy, Stat
Buena Vista Games (Q! Entertainment) Official Website
Platform: PS2
Details: (Q4.06) Gamers control squares made of four smaller block pieces that are dropped into the playing field one at a time to form same-color squares. The vertical "timeline" sweeps across the playing field from left to right and wipes the same-color squares from the playing field. Unmatched blocks pile up, and the game ends when the pile gets to the top of the playing screen. Advance through many action-packed levels, each with its own musical theme and sound effects.
Extras: N/A
Cheats: N/A (Stop, IGN, Spy, CCG, PS2Now, Pro, CCC, Planet)
Street Fighter Alpha Anthology: by Capcom in geared for a 6.13 release and includes Street Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter Alpha 2, Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold and Street Fighter Alpha 3, and a bonus, the Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (aka Pocket Fighter).