Friday, May 12, 2006

Random Facts 10

Alphabet Frequency
The alphabet arranged by frequency of use: ETAISONHRDLUCMFWYPGVBKJQXZ
Uncle John's 18th Edition Fast-Acting Long-Lasting Bathroom Reader, pg. 195

Tote'm was the initial name of the Southland Corporation's foray into convenience stores. Some store locations even sported genuine Alaskan totem poles in front. In 1946, Tote'm became 7-Elevento reflect the stores' new, extended hours, from 7am until 11pm.
Fact or Crap Page-a-Day Calendar, 3.30.06.

John Wilkes Booth's Brother
While in his late teens, Abraham Lincoln's son, Robert Todd, was returning home from Harvard University when he lost his balance and fell between two railway cars. A fellow passenger reacted quickly, pulling him from certain death. The helping hand was that of Edwin Booth, brother of the man who would soon assassinate the young man's father.
Fact or Crap Page-a-Day Calendar, 4.19.06.

Red Ants Recruit Slaves
Red ants (the version of Amazon ants found in the western United States) steal the larvae of other ants to keep as slaves. The slave ants build homes for and feed the red ants, who cannot do anything but fight.
Fact or Crap Page-a-Day Calendar, 5.1.06.

Snail Razor
Snails produce a colorless, sticky discharge that forms a protective carpet under them as they travel along. The discharge is so effective that they can crawl along the edge of a razor without cutting themselves.
Fact or Crap Page-a-Day Calendar, 4.23.06.

Major League Pitches
When a Major League pitcher throws a baseball at 95mph, it takes only four-tenths of a second for it to travel the 60 feet 6 inches from mound to plate.
Fact or Crap Page-a-Day Calendar, 4.4.06.

Skin Dust & Mites
The average human sheds 1/5 ounce of skin per week, which dries and collects to form dust. About 80 percent of the particles seen floating in a sunbeam is dead human-the favorite food source for microscopic mites, whose excretions are a primary cause of allergies and asthma. Dust mites love warm, moist environments like beds. Ohio State University scientists estimate that up to 10 percent of a two year-old pillow is comprised of dead dust mites and their excrement.
Fact or Crap Page-a-Day Calendar, 5.8.06.

Sweat Glands
The human body has over 2 million sweat glands. If subjected to heavy exertion, a human can produce up to 3 gallons of sweat in 24 hours. Sweat is basically odorless, but when it comes in contact with bacteria on the skin, a foul odor is emitted.
Fact or Crap Page-a-Day Calendar, 3.24.06.

Fingernails grow four times faster than toenails, and they grow faster in warm weather. Men's fiernails grow faster than women's. The longer the fingernail, the faster the nail growth. The longest fingernails on record measured 20 feet long and belonged to a man in India who grew them for 48 years without cutting them.
Fact or Crap Page-a-Day Calendar, 5.7.06.

Blood Vessels
There are approximately 100,000 miles of blood vessels (40 billion laid end to end) in the body of an adult human, which would circle the world four times.
Fact or Crap Page-a-Day Calendar, 3.28.06.

Hand Nerves
A single square inch of skin on the human hand contains 72 feet of nerves.
Uncle John's 18th Edition Fast-Acting Long-Lasting Bathroom Reader, pg. 199.

The Word with the most Definitions
1. Set has 464 definitions
2. Run has 396.
3. Go has 368.
4. Take has 343.
5. Stand has 334.
6. Get has 289.
7. Turn has 288.
8. Put has 268.
9. Fall has 264.
10. Strike has 250.
Fact or Crap Page-a-Day Calendar, 5.9.06.

Dr. Seuss
In 1954, Theodor Seuss Geisel read a book titled Why Johnny can't read, which blamed pallid and bland primers for children's lack of interest in reading. So Seuss made a list of 220 words he thought important for a beginning reader to know and wrote The Cat in the Hat. It was a hit when it came out in 1957, selling 3 million copies over the next three years. His friend, editor Bennett Cerf, then bet him $50 that he couldn't write a book using only 50 words. The result was Green Eggs & Ham, published in 1960.
Fact or Crap Page-a-Day Calendar, 4.24.06.