Sunday, October 28, 2007

Where's Waldo the Wonder Book (#5 Yellow-ish)

Overview: Waldo travels to twelve scenes in which magical books come to life.

Characters & Items to find on each page: Waldo, Woof, Wenda, Wizard Whitebeard, Odlaw, Waldo's Key, Woof's Bone, Wenda's Camera, Wizard Whitebeard's Scroll, Odlaw's Binoculars, Eleven Travelers (include; Girl in a Red Dress, Green Apple, Member of the Blue Team, Teddy Bear, Yellow & Red-Striped Snake, Female Chef, Guy with a Roster Hat, Yellow & Black-Striped Monkey, Clown with a Green & Red Hat - the hat's band changes colors on each page, but the rest remains red and green, A Butterfly, Lady with a Yellow Feather in her Hat).
The two-page spreads include the following scenes; 1. Once Upon a Page, 2. The Mighty Fruit Fight, 3. The Game of Games, 4. Toys! Toys! Toys!, 5. Bright Lights & Night Frights, 6. The Cake Factory, 7. The Battles of the Bands, 8. The Odlaw Swamp, 9. Clown Town, 10. The Fantastic Flower Garden, 11. The Corridors of Time, 12. The Land of Woofs.
Total Characters & Items to search for in this book comes to 000.