Saturday, November 17, 2007

Fluxx Blanxx (Card Creation Ideas)

Site Fan Suggestions, Goal Site Ideas, More Fan Suggestions, & more
Continue with May 2007 Subject

Action Cards
Repent: Take a rule and remove from this round of the game. (Similar to the Extinct Card in Eco, created myself).
Terminate: Take one card from each players hand (including yourself) and remove them from the game. (Similar to the Extinct Card in Eco, created myself).

New Rule
A Complex Bureaucracy: If there are more than seven New Rules in play, the player who raised it wins. (Christopher Hickman 10.4.07 Thread)
Food Poisoning: Onced played, all keepers with food on them shall be discarded. (unknown)

Theobromine (Chocolate & The Brain)
Pyramid Scheme (Money & The Pyramid)
Until Death Do Us Part (Love & Death)
Food Fight (Cookies & War)
Nuclear War (The Rocket and War)
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (War & The Moon)
I Love Chocolate
Love and Rockets
M * A * S * H (Television and War)
Milquetoast (Milk and Toast)
My Brain is Fried (The Brain and The Toaster)
Pyramid Discovered on the Moon
Time for Toast
War and Peace
Death Cookies
Kill your TV (Death and Television)
There's too much violence on TV (Death and Television)
Skin Cancer (The Sun and Death)
Let's kill some time (Time and Death)
All's fair in Love and War
Blinded by the light (The Sun and the Eye)
For Love of Money
Rest in Peace (Death and Peace)