Monday, December 22, 2008

Google Shortcut Keys

RSS Reader
space/shift-space: moves the page down/up.
Shift+A: Marks all items in the current view as read.
Shift+X: Epands/Condenses selected folder.
R: refresh all.
S: stars or un-stars the selected item.
Shift+S: shares or un-shares the selected item.
G then S: goes to the "Starred items" view.
G then Shift+S: goes to the "Shared items" view.
G then A: goes to the "All items" view.
G then D: go to feed discovery.
?: Shows Shortcut quicklist.

Google Calendar

D/W/M/A/T: Day/Week/Month/Agenda/Today View.
S: takes you to Settings.
U: Brings you back to the default calendar view.