Monday, May 19, 2008

Joke - Batch of Quick Jokes

Why did Batman and Robin quit fishing together?
Because Robin ate all the worms!

Baby snake: Mommy, are we poisonous?
Mother snake: Yes, son.Why?
Baby snake: I just bit my tongue!

Wanna hear a story about a cattle roundup?
If you’ve herd one, you’ve herd ’em all.

What do you call a seagull that likes to surf the Internet?
An e-gull!

What’s the best way to keep a skunk from smelling?
Hold its nose!

Why did it take three husky Boy Scouts to help the old lady cross the street?
She didn’t want to go!

What do you do if you’re attacked by mosquitoes?
Call in the S.W.A.T. team!

What happens when you drop a duck egg?
It quacks!

What did the closet shelf say to the hat?
I’ll stay here while you go on ahead.

Who does a considerate cow think of?

What kind of shoes does a bear wear in the woods?
None—it goes bearfooted!

Where does a fisherman go to get his hair cut?
The bobber shop.

Dylan, if there are a dozen flies on the table and you swat one, how many are left?
Just the dead one.

Did you hear about the man who fell into a machine at the upholstery shop?
He’s fully recovered now.

Teacher: Why did you eat your homework?
Student: Because I don’t have a dog.

All the above from Boys Life Org - Jokes. The following pun is from Pun of the Day.

I keep falling off my bike, but I just get right back on it and ride. I'm a firm believer in re-cycling.