Work-Boat Dock/Bare it All
Towards the end of working at the boat docks, I began a new job as a busboy at a family restaurant. At the boat docks we often went shirtless and barefoot whenever staff wasn't around to enforce a dress code. One of the reasons we stripped down was more than just comfort, but rather smell. With working with chemicals, and cleaning and salt water, our shoes stank bad.
At first with my new job, I worked at the boat docks by day and bussed at night. I changed clothes at the restaurant, and after the first few times, noted that I just could not leave me shoes in my car. So, I had this idea where I’d close the shoelaces into the trunk so the shoes could hang to air out.
One night on my way home a police officer pulled me over. I had just replaced the lights so I knew it wasn’t that, and I wasn’t speeding either because there are always police officers on that stretch of the road anyway.
So, its nearly one am and I am sitting there waiting and waiting for him to bring my license back to me. Another police car shows up, and then one more. I surprisingly wasn't sweating it, I was too tired from work to be. As it turns out, I had forgotten to toss my shoes in my car and they were blocking my license plate.
I started to explain but they were all too amused to hear it.