Wednesday, December 1, 2004

Work-Boat Dock/Four

To keep days from potential dullness, my friend and I picked all kinds of themes to pass the time. One day we swore at each other with our version of an Australian accent, and other days we were onto something else.

In the midst of one of our themes we were interrupted by an older gentlemen on a nearby yacht. He asked if we worked for the yacht place and we told him yes, and he was thrilled. He specifically wanted us to clean his boat after listening and watching how we worked.

He asked my friend if he knew what their radio number was so he could call in…I myself had no idea what it was, when I heard him shout with this confident tone that it was number four. We had finished the boat and were heading back as he had spoken. As we walked away, I calle dhim out on it by smugly saying, “is there even a number four on the radio?”

About a year after that I had this pager (yes this is dated to be saying this). My friend had moved on, stationed somewhere in London, when I got a buzz on this very pager. The number said 4.

I started laughing my head off. I knew exactly who it was, and so, as a courtesy, whenever we had left phone messages and such we used the number four...nothing more.