Wednesday, December 1, 2004

Work-Boat Dock/One Boat

One summer I was hired on cleaning yachts in a town about an hour away with a buddy of mine. Our first day the lady who coordinated the cleaning crew told my friend and I to come up the next day to clean…one boat.

A boat I might add, which wasn’t going anywhere for a week.

To this date that coordinator was the most strict and stern boss I have ever had. Our benefit was that she really needed us because a lot of people had left to go back to school.

I looked right at her in a half laugh and said smartly, “You want us to come all the way out here for one boat!”

The whole office dropped dead silent and she was taken aback stunned that I spoke up like that. My friend looked at me as if our jobs had officially been terminated, his mouth gaping wide open. Honestly, I did not expect the words to come out the way they had.

Regardless, after a long pause she began to laugh really hard. She thought about it and told us we didn't need to come that day after all. As she looked at the paperwork she said not to worry, we had plenty of time. Needless to say, we both became her favorite employees to work with. Go figure. She even found us to be funny... when actually, we were just talking back. So, our dry sarcasm (not so much sarcasm) grew.