Censored 2005-The Top 25 Censored Stories
10.1.2004/Social Sciences, Publisher: Seven Stories Press
By Peter Phillips & Project Censored. ___ Pgs.
Overview: B&N, Borders, Amazon, Wiki, MC
Annually published book from the Sonoma State University covering more than just the top 25 most censored stories of 2004.
Comment: A (Jan 2005) I have read two books in this Media Democracy in Action series, and let me tell you, the first 200 pages goes unbelievably fast. With 25 roughly page long digests of big overlooked stories, they all include amazing information and excellent sources. Pinched with jabbing Tom Tomorrow cartoons, the book contains far more than just the 25 stories. In addition they make updates to previous stories, and one of my favorites, a section on the media giants (complete with fascinating but scary subsidiary listings). A best of section on PR Watch’s Spins of the year, Junk Food News of 2004, and other various portions of articles and text well worth checking out. Awesome book, I am a fan.