Thursday, March 10, 2005

Words that Hurt

“Survival of the fittest” keeps coming to mind as they try to write this piece. It doesn't say anything about the survivor be insane.

Let me start by saying I was listening to the radio when the DJ’s began to argue how to say an artists’ name. I'm no king of grammar myself, however, I sometimes miss an entire conversation because I fixated on a part of speech.

If “50 Cent” wants to be called “Fitty Cent,” guess what… he probably shouldn't use the number 50. I like him, like the guy, like his stuff…but trying to make me change the way speak? Sorry, maybe if I was learning English for the first time…

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” But dang, they can sure make your ears bleed. (Click on the word to view proper pronounciations provided by

Take the word “
robot.” You don't say “row-bit.” I have heard people say this once too many times, stop it! I don’t care if it’s ok to use, eardrums are in pain.

Or take the word “
advertisements.” It does not say “adver-‘tis-ments.” Throw away the “tis” and make it sound more like “ties.” Just drives me crazy that they are both acceptable.

Also, what is with the word “
via.” Decide if it's going to be “vee-uh” or “v-eye-uh.” It can’t be both.

In the end, all it takes is one word that ruins whatever conversation that person is trying to have a me…and I know there are more that should be included in this article that have eluded me at the current time. I also know that every single bastard reading this will use the evil of the two pronunciations against me. And for that, your a punk.