Monday, March 14, 2005

Work-Video Customers

I also took a job at a video store. They informed me in the interview that I was over qualified, and I told them that I had just merely wanted to catch up on movies and get the free rentals. I was amazed at how relaxed and almost stupid customers became when they were there. You have to repeat yourself many times to the same person, and a lot have a heck of a time speaking. There are a lot of times when someone comes up and says something like, "Do you have a copy of hmma nummma shhuzoo lag."
"I'm sorry, a copy of what?"
"hmmma numma shhzoo gurgle mmmm."
I click keys on the keyboard….
"Yeah, sorry, that has been checked out and should be back tomorrow by noon."

Other times I felt my sarcasm was wasted. This one time a customer called and asked if we had any copies of some new chick flick. I could see a full wall of them, so I said, "a lot more copies than I would ever watch." Oblivious, they asked, "how many?" To which I replied, "one." And they asked if I could reserve it for them. Uh, yeah, ok. (we only had 30+ copies on the shelf)