Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Intellivision Collection

Games Include:
A: Armor Battle (IL-CS), Astrosmash (IL-Sp), Auto Racing (IL-S),
B: B-17 Bomber (IL-CS), Backgammon (IL-GS), Baseball (IL-S), Basketball (IL-S), Battle Tanks (IL-CS), Biplanes (IL-CS), Body Slam-Super Pro Wrestling (IL-S), Bomb Squad (IL-A), Bowling (IL-S), Boxing (IL-S), Brickout (IL-Un), Buzz Bombers (IL-A),
C: Checkers (IL-GS), Chipshot-Super Pro Golf (IL-S), Crosswords (IL-K),
D: Deep Pockets-Pool & Billiards (IL-Un), Demo Cartridge (IL-Un),
F: Factor Fun (IL-K), Football (IL-S), Frog Bog (IL-K),
G: Golf (IL-S),
H: Hardhat (IL-Un), Hockey (IL-S), Horse Racing (IL-GS), Hover Force (IL-CS), Hypnotic Lights (IL-Un),
L: Las Vegas Poker & Blackjack (IL-GS), Las Vegas Roulette (IL-GS),
M: Magic Carousel (IL-Un), Math Master (IL-K), Memory Fun (IL-K), Motocross (IL-S), Mountain Madness-Super Pro Skiing (IL-S),
N: Night Stalker (IL-A),
P: Pinball (IL-A),
R: Racing Cars (IL-A), Reversi (IL-GS), Royal Dealer (IL-GS),
S: Sea Battle (IL-CS), Shark! Shark! (IL-A), Sharp Shot (IL-K), Skiing (IL-S), Slam Dunk-Super Pro Basketball (IL-S), Slapshot-Super Pro Hockey (IL-S), Snafu (IL-A), Soccer (IL-S), Space Armada (IL-Sp), Space Battle (IL-Sp), Space Hawk (IL-Sp), Space Spartans (IL-Sp), Spiker!-Super Pro Volleyball (IL-S), Stadium Mud Buggies (IL-S), Star Strike (IL-Sp), Sub Hunt (IL-CS), Super Pro Decathlon (IL-S), Super Pro Football (IL-S),
T: Tennis (IL-S), Thin Ice (IL-A), Thunder Castle (IL-CS), Tower of Doom (IL-CS),
U: Utopia (IL-CS),
V: Vectron (IL-A),
W: Word Hunt (IL-K), Word Rockets (IL-K), World Champion Baseball (IL-S),

Intellivision Lives! (IL) 11.20.03/Retro, Rated E
PS, GSpot, IGN, GSpy, GStat, GFeed
Developers: Crave Entertainment (Realtime) Offical Webpage
Platform: PS2, 1-6 Players
Details/Extras: 68 games. The 7 categories include 10 games in Combat & Strategy (-CS), 7 Gaming & Strategy (-GS), 9 Arcade (-A), 22 Sports (-S), 8 Kids (-K), 6 Space (-Sp), & 6 Unreleased (-Un). Features a history of Intelivision video clip, & Programer Interviews.
Cheats: (Stop, IGN, Spy, CCG, PS2Now, Pro, CCC, Planet)
Comments: My Rating.