Monday, November 28, 2005

Tech Bites

New Internet Addresses
A Dutch company has launched a new Internet addressing service that does away with the most common top-level domains (TLDs), such as .com and .edu, and allows organizations and individuals to register Internet addresses that end with the name of their business, or virtually any other word they choose. Taken from

Terabit Fiber
A Japanese company has developed technology to transmit a two-hour movie in 0.5 seconds, the world's fastest speed achieved with fibre-optic cables in the field, it says. Kansai Electric used fibre-optic cables on power-transmitting steel towers to achieve the speed of one terabit per second, which is more than 100 times faster than inter-city data transmissions currently in use, a spokesman says. The company, Japan's second-largest power supplier, has not decided when to put the technology into practical use but says it is possible that it would come in 2010 or later. Taken from an October 31 Slashdot Posting

Floor Mat
Technology firm Intellimat has introduced a floor mat for use in grocery stores. When a shopper walks over the mat it plays an ad. Wow. It combines the best aspects of being completely untargeted and adds the fun of those things you put under your welcome mat at Halloween that make creepy noises. Taken from AdJab/AdAge

Infrared Detects Sniper Gunfire
At the speed of light -- before a shot is even heard -- a new technology reveals exactly where gunfire is coming from, pinpointing a location for return fire. Taken from
Wired News

TRW 17 Subwoofer
Normal subwoofers pulsate a concave paper cone while also compressing air inside of a box and pushing it out through a small opening. The (TRW 17 Subwoofer has) metal fans create an enormous cone of air essentially turning your room into the subwoofer box. This is capable of getting frequencies down to the 1Hz range, this is the same range you may associate with jet engines and nuclear explosions. Traditional subwoofers get 20Hz at best. This isn't available to the public yet, but the predicted price will be around the $12,900 range. Taken from