Thursday, June 8, 2006

Crash Tag Team Racing

Crash Tag Team Racing (2005 Racing, E)
Playstation, Gamespot, IGN, GameSpy, GameStat, GameFeed
Sierra (Vivendi Games) Webpage
Platform: PS2
Details: This Crash Bandicoot follows in the aftermath of Twinsanity. Players can combine their car with an opponents in mid-race to make a super-car equipped with a powerful turret gun. When clashed, players can either get behind the wheel and drive or fire an onboard weapon. Players can continue the action out of the car where they can explore the entire world on foot and collect upgrades for their cars and unlock bonus tracks.
Cheats: (
Stop, IGN, Spy, CCG, PS2Now, Pro, CCC, Planet)
Disables Heads-Up Displays: Hold L1 + R1, press X, S, T, O
One-Hit Knockouts: Hold L1 + R1, press X, O, O, X
Chicken Heads: Hold L1 + R1, press X, O, O, S
High Speed Mode: Hold L1 + R1, press O, O, T, T
Japanese Crash Skin: Hold L1 + R1, press S, O, S, O
Toy Block Cars: Hold L1 + R1, press O, O, T, S
Evil Crash Costume: When you find Cortex on Mystery Island there's an owl shaped lamp behind him. Hit the body-slam switch and it will rise up. Enter the cave, and go right. Have a chat with the drone at the top of the island and shell out 2000 coins to get the costume.
Comments: My Rating B+.