Sunday, November 4, 2007


Looney Labs Site, News Archive & User Archive. Card Comparision List
6 Other Sets: Stoner (2003 OOP), Eco (2005), Family (2005), & Zombie (2007), Monthy Python (2008), Martian (2009).
1 Other Play Variations: Fluxxentration, Fluxxory,
My Post: Additional Cards, Blanxx (Card Creation Ideas)

Version 3.1: this updated version released in 2005, the original was created in 1997.
Separation Clue - Because you can mix multiple decks, here is how to identify cards from this deck - Face Side has solid color in a solid rectangle shape on the left side.
The 84 cards (2 are standard, Basic Rules & Join the Club) included are;
20 Actions: Discard & Draw, Draw 2 & Use 'Em, Draw 3 Play 2 of Them, Empty the Trash, Everybody Gets 1, Exchange Keepers, Jackpot!, Let's Do That Again!, Let's Simplify, No Limits, Rotate Hands, Rules Reset, Scramble Keepers, Steal a Keeper, Take Another Turn, Taxation, Trade Hands, Trash a Keeper, Trash a New Rule, Use What You Take.
21 New Rules: Double Agenda, Draw 2, Draw 3, Draw 4, Draw 5, First Play Random, Hand Limit 0, Hand Limit 1, Hand Limit 2, Inflation, Keeper Limit 2, Keeper Limit 3, Keeper Limit 4, No-Hand Bonus, Play 2, Play 3, Play 4, Play All, Poor Bonus, Reverse Order, Rich Bonus.
18 Keepers: Brain, Bread, Chocolate, Cookies, Death, Dreams, Love, Milk, Money, Moon, Peace, Rocket, Sleep, Sun, Television, Time, Toaster, War.
23 Goals: 5 Keepers, 10 Cards in a Hand, All You Need is Love, Appliances, Baked Goods, Bed Time, The Brain (No TV), Chocolate Cookies, Chocolate Milk, Death by Chocolate, Dreamland, Hearts & Minds, Hippyism, Milk & Cookies, Night & Day, Peace (No War), Rocket Science, Rocket to the Moon, Squishy Chocolate, Time is Money, Toast, War = Death, Winning the Lottery.

21 Expansion Booster Packs (Each Contain 7 Cards): note for separation that each look the same as the regular Fluxx deck on the Face Card Side, so keeping the Extra Expansion Name Card/Advertisment on back, will help reveal which cards are in the Expansion.
2006 Jewish Booster: Hebrew Knowledge (Action), Judaica Bonus (New Rule), Candles (Keeper), Torah (Keeper), Shabbat (Goal), Torah Study (Goal), Tradition (Goal).
2006 Christian Booster: Bible Verses (Action), Cross Bonus (New Rule), The Bible (Keeper), The Cross (Keeper), Church Time (Goal), Jesus Loves You (Goal), The Story of Jesus (Goal).
2007 10th Anniversary Booster (Order): Destroy a Creeper (Action, Zombie Fluxx), Radioactive Potato (one of a kind), Today's Special! (Action), Party Bonus (New Rule), The Party (Keeper), Happy Anniversary (Goal), Party Snacks (Goal).

TBD as of '08 Fluxx Reduxx: which will include the lost cards prior to 3.1 version and many promotional cards.