Friday, September 1, 2006

Beck – Mutations

Details: Released - 11.2.98, 1 Disc/11 Tracks ~49:19

1. Cold Brains 3:41

2. Nobody's Fault But My Own 5:02
3. Lazy Flies 3:44
4. Canceled Check 3:14
5. We Live Again 3:04
6. Tropicalia 3:20 7
7. Dead Melodies 2:36
8. Bottle of Blues 4:56
9. O Maria 3:59
10. Sing it Again 4:19
11. Static 4:13
B11. Diamond Bollocks 5:18-11:18
Non-US Bonus Tracks, Singles, B-Sides & Rarities:
1. Halo of Gold 4:29 (German album)
2. Black Balloon 3:32 (German album)
3. Runners Dial Zero 4:03 (German album)
4. One of These Days (Cold Brains single)
5. Diamond in the Sleaze (Cold Brains single)
6. This World is Something New to Me ('98's The Rugrats Movie)
Factoids, Extras & Eggs:
1. The album's title is most likely a nod to an influential tropicalia band of the 1970s, Os Mutantes.
2. This is not considered to be the follow-up to his breakthrough album Odelay.
3. Recorded over two weeks, during which Beck recorded one song a day. Sing It Again, was written for Johnny Cash, but Beck never submitted it, considering it "rubbish." Cash would go on to record Rowboat.
4. Initially recorded by noted producer Nigel Godrich (Radiohead fame) with the intention of having it released on Bong Load Custom Records, an indie label (as per Beck's agreement with his major label at the time, Geffen). However, when Geffen execs heard the album, they insisted it be carried by them. This lead to a lawsuit filed by Beck against Geffen Records who sought to void his contracts with both record labels, and in turn the labels sued him for breach of contract. The litigation went on for years and remains unclear to this day if it was ever completely sorted out.

5. Halo of Gold is 1 of the 8 tracks released on the not-so-commercially available album, "B Side Collection - Stray Blues."