Wednesday, January 10, 2007


3.31.06/Drama Thriller, Rated-R, 1 Disc/~2:15:46
IMDB Yahoo All MC Wiki Amazon
Crew: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Nora Zehetner, Matt O'Leary.
Details: film's narrative centers around a hardboiled detective story that takes place in suburbia, in which all of the main characters are high school students. The film draws heavily in plot, characterization and dialogue from hardboiled classics, especially from Dashiell Hammett. (Wiki)
Content: (Yahoo)

- Feature Film ~1:50:00
- Commentary with Cast
- 8 Deleted & Extended Scenes with Introductions 22:33
- Nora & Noah's Auditions 3:13
Eggs: (Eeggs, Eggs, DVD Town)

1. Origami Master at San Clemente High - Short Film: from special features highlight Deleted and extended scenes, press left twice and enter on the note.
Factoids: (IMDB, Moviemistakes, Wiki)
1. As Brendan enters the Halloween in January party, a girl with long hair passes by with a cooler on wheels. This is the main character from the movie "May", which director Rian Johnson edited.
2. The film was shot in Rian Johnson's home town, and the high school featured is the one he attended himself.

3. The newspaper that shows "Local Girl Missing" includes an article to the left that gives a plot summary for the pilot episode of Pamela Anderson's "VIP" (1998).
4. The film contains a number of references to Dashiell Hammett stories: A. Brendan's request of Laura to honk her car horn four times – long, short, long, short – to communicate with him, a references to The Maltese Falcon. B. Brendan remarks to Laura, "now you are dangerous", a line lifted directly from the The Maltese Falcon. C. The conversation between Brenden and his vice principal is almost identical to one in The Maltese Falcon. D. The antagonist whispers "a dirty word" to the protagonist at the end. A similar occurrence can be found in "The Girl With The Silver Eyes".
Comments: C. (1.10.07, Theater) It was ok, an interesting filming technique and storytelling.