Monday, May 14, 2007

A Scanner Darkly

7.7.06/Comedy, Rated-R, 1 Disc/~2:29:23
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Crew: Richard Linklater (Dir), Rory Cochrane, Robert Downey Jr., Mitch Baker, Keanu Reeves, Winona Ryder, Woody Harrelson.
Details: Based on legendary science-fiction author Philip K. Dick’s own experiences, A Scanner Darkly tells the darkly comedic, caustic, but deeply tragic tale of drug use in the modern world. The film plays like a graphic novel come to life with live-action photography overlaid with an advanced animation process -- a method known as interpolated rotoscoping, first employed in writer/director Richard Linklater’s 2001 film "Waking Life" -- to create a haunting version of America, seven years from now. (MC)
Content - Extras: 49:07

- Feature Film 1:40:16
- Commentary Track Story of Filming 26:23
- The Animation Tales 20:45
- Theatrical Trailer 1:59
Eggs: (Eeggs, Eggs, DVD Town) None
Factoids: (IMDB, Moviemistakes, Wiki) Nothing significant.
Comments: C-. (5.14.07, Rental) It's different, and feels like Total Recall and aspects of the Matrix.