Thursday, September 29, 2005

Proposal Letter - Part 1

Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Pics, 9 (Final).

On April 6, our 3rd anniversary came and went. So, when Janel mentioned something about a halfway mark being an ok time...I kept that in my head to see if that would be possible. Since this was rougly sometime within the first week of October, I had a little while for ideas to roll around. Because of weekend activities, weekends started filling up left and right, and things were getting kinda close. However, the best weekend available targeted around the 7th. That was close enough for there to be an opportunity and still have a surprise.
Earlier in the week I had been granted three extra bonus days off that needed to be scheduled quickly before the years end. I sat down with Trisha and asked about a few dates and she approved all of them...this was my first "it's a go" light.
Later in the afternoon Scott Conway came by with some paperwork and I was unable to hide my open screen fast enough...and he said, "no it's too late, bring it back...what are you learning to dance or something?" he said grinning totally catching me in the act. I did not elaborate why, but found the whole thing rather amusing. I was looking at the following dance steps.
My actual plan needed a list and fast. I hit the most important points quickly in my mind, and addressed the immediate the next day. I had an idea or two I was stumbling over and began figuring out time to tackle each point.