Sunday, October 2, 2005

Proposal Letter - Part 3

Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Pics, 9 (Final).

Janel and I had a relaxing wonderful unrelated weekend. It was great. Secret safe. On Saturday we checked in with Kristen since we wanted to know how the trip was (wink wink). Vi answered and asked how I was handling things, and I snubbed that conversation from going anywhere...and we all had a nice conversation. Kristen sounded very sick since speaking to her the night before, and that may have actually helped prevent any awareness that something was up. On Sunday I kept mental note (so that entering it on the palm immediately wouldn't be so obvious) to pick out a purple fleece and dog shorts Janel eyeballed at the new outlet mall. My back had been a little funky from sleeping in too long over the weekend, and I thought that if I needed to stay up late at night in the next day or so, that this might have provided excellent time to go over stuff...but my back didn't really bother me after that, and I had enough allotted time planned as it was if everything worked out.