Monday, October 3, 2005

Proposal Letter - Part 4

Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Pics, 9 (Final).

Unfinished - Updates to be inserted

Monday October 3I woke up with my newly revised palm pilot checklist. I needed one of Janel's rings for size. Once Janel left for school I began looking in her box, I took one that hopefully would not have been obvious that it was gone, placed it onto the hook on my key chain and was on my way. On my way to work I had a dorky idea that would hit up the puzzle element that Janel likes. I thought that I could make her a word puzzle that would give her a heads up about Friday night during the day, and to be prepared. The puzzle didn't take too long to make, and I added some other surprises to it as well, printed it off along with an answer key. A few people found out at work what I was going to do (Scott, Kindel, and Courtney).
Monday was the jamming point. I needed to speak with Duane pronto. I called his cell again, this time it was on and rang a lot, but no answer. Then I tried home, and got Suzie...I did not want the cover blown...I told her that I really needed to talk to Duane. She asked if everything was ok, and I knew, I needed to talk to him even faster. then came what I initially thought was a safety zone. A student was found with a gun at Janel's school and it made the news (she sent me an email about it). So, I thought, maybe I could use that. At this point, I thought that Janel may be calling home like, right after school...and it was already close to 4pm. Then I got nervous...what if she does and they refer to my calling...could I really BS that it was about the student and the gun...I didn't think so...and I knew that my cover may be ruined. I also began thinking, what if Suzie talks to anyone else? I needed to reach Duane, back to the cell phone once again. he answered just as I got word I needed to rush to media authorizations...but he answered, so I rushed to the staircase leading to the back ally (where it was quieter). Asked if his weekend was open, mentioned my fondness of Janel, and asked for acceptance/blessing. He gave it to me with a fast "Hell yes" rasp as if I was stupid for even asking him the question to begin with. We had a chuckle and talked a bit and I made him swear that nobody else should know, I didn't want any aunts or even my own cousin blowing the cover before Friday. He told Suzie and she shouted Yay! I even called back minutes later to talk directly with Suzie and made her swear not to tell a soul. They would be seeing us Saturday. I ended up calling back one more time because I didn't have their email addresses to send them directions to the hotel. During this time, for the first time, I was nervous and I called Kristen to balance things out when I couldn't get a hold of Duane. She wanted to know how the conversation went when it happened. Then Corinne and Ally (from work) found out and were pleasantly excited too. I got off work only ten fifteen minutes later and made the call home to tell my parents what was really going on that weekend. Momma seemed excited and asked if I told the grandparents...and I reiterated, that someone has to answer the question first. She said something about Adam having an engine problem, so I decided to check in with him since I had not heard back. I called Adam to confirm that Summer was in fact invited as well, and that things truly are a go so far, and that if she says no, I'm still having a family party regardless. He assured me not to worry about car problems, and that helped me out. I went to the Shane Company in Tukwila with a throbbing headache. I spent close to two hours there looking and getting certain styles written down to notice later. I asked the sales lady to stop trying to pitch the "quality" to me...I wouldn't have been there if it wasn't quality, and it was not selling me on anything. It was irritating, so I asked that if it was required say it nonstop for as long as it takes, and then come talk to me about shape and everything else. She still talked about "quality" but toned it down to once every minute. I made a temporary selection, and headed off to Lover's Package. I never thought that I would ever go into one, but I was running out of time (like I thought I might) and I knew that if I asked I could get what I was looking for quickly (specific massage oil ingredients and bath salts). I had an answer for the multiple rose ideas I had when I saw that LP had specially designed rose petals with scents etc...and I figured that would be better than staining the carpet or the bed with real ones, and I went with them. It all came in a purple bag too, and I was offered a free LP Membership card for discounts and invited to a Halloween party...I passed. When I came home, Janel said that she had talked to her dad for an hour! He bought a magazine for FBLA magazine sales...I was impressed, he said nothing. Suzie wasn't there when she called, for she was at bell practice. Whew, another close call. It became clear to me that I was not really on a final stretch...the days were too far away from one another, anything could happen...I realized that this secret could get very tough to sustain. there were too many elements that could go wrong, or stand out. From stashing DVD's in places, and hiding everything under the sun.
Then came the Aunt Loraine obstacle. Now, nothing against her at all, but her timing...oof! On the plus side, this indicated to me that the news had in fact not reached her (and on Wednesday when Janel forwarded me an email about their projected 7pm arrival and wanting to meet up still indicated the same). So, at least that made me feel ok. I remembered that Janel said, if they arrive too late, she could just give them the garage code. So I pondered back and forth, should I call her and tell her, or not. I knew if I did, the Friday surprise was out the window. Her tone of voice would give some away. I debated calling her on Friday when it was possible that Janel could have a pretty darn good guess about where her weekend was headed, but then if they talked by phone that might provide a stronger support of what may be to come. the end, even after I brought the matter to the attention of Kristen (she agreed with my final thought), that because of the word puzzle giveaway...I should say nothing to Loraine and let Janel's excitement tell her that we would unfortunately be unable to meet up. Hey, if weekends were easy to come by for this...I wouldn't have to take such a drastic measure. However, I still have it in mind just in, when I call Janel on Friday in the afternoon, the topic will come up, and addressed if need be.

Checklist Monday:
--Borrow a ring
--Get Duane's permission
--(Send everyone directions)
Silver Cloud Hotel11100 Broadway, Seattle WA 98122
From I-5 Northbound:Take the Madison Street exit, #164AContinue on 7th Avenue and turn right onto Madison StreetTurn left on BroadwayThe hotel is on the right at the corner of Broadway and Madison. From I-5 Southbound:Take James Street Exit, #165At the 2nd light turn left onto James StGo uphill and turn left onto BroadwayThe hotel is on the right at the corner of Broadway and Madison.
--Call Parents
--Get a ring
--Lover Package
538 Rainier Ave S, Renton WA, 98055-2411.
Phone: 425-271-9393, Hrs: M-W 11am - 9pm
--Place ring back