Friday, October 7, 2005

Proposal Letter - Part 8

Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Pics, 9 (Final).

When I woke up I slipped th envelope to Janel on her way out the door...she glanced at it and recognized the pattern before she left. I started a load of laundry, tidied up the kitchen and living room, grabbed all the trash and recycling, put away some dishes, and started initial packing. At one point I knocked over a potted plant and it hit the faucet. water spouted at the back end, and I weaked around a bit to make it stop, and it works back to normal again. However, it was at that moment that I realized I could incorporate a dolphin into the picture after all. I grabbed the water toys Kristen ahd previously given us, and packed them up. By 7am I checked my email to print off this journal and Jason & Caroline's flight information...and there was a message from Janel that said, "Grrr You know I don't like this one bit. Where are we going?" Sigh, that's too bad, I thought that it might make her a little excited...not annoy her...oh well at least the secret has been somewhat safe till today. So, that morning after I finished cleaning the bathroom, I packed up the car with my stuff for the day. I picked up some cash, and went to Safeway where I grabbed a few candy snacks and fruit. The chocolate dip I wanted was not there...they had the cream cheese version, but not the chocolate. But I knew Fred Meyers had that anyway. I grabbed a variety of roses and headed over to Lindberg High School. I parked in the neighborhood across the road from the school and walked up to a maintence guy out in the baseball diamond. I wanted to know the quickest route to the main office so I could get in and out. When I got to the office the secretary cut me off before I could say whom the flowers were for and asked if I was bringing them in for a student! Ha! I wrote a short note just in case the first clue wasn't enough....somthing along the lines of "This is not a surprise, you know what this is, Relax, enjoy every moment of it." I wasn't particularly sure if Janel would really really go along with things since the previous track record of unwanted surprises went...from there I went up to the Outlet Mall to grab the purple fleece Janel liked and dog shorts too. I went over to Aunt Vi's to borrow a cd player, and then called and asked if they could change my check-in time to 1 instead of 3. I unloaded everything into the room, and paid for parking. I also drove down to see where the restaraunt was located. On the I-5 trip home I called Janel. She sounded pleasantly happy, and even asked what her next set of directions were to be. Whew, that was a relief. The reception wasn't too good, and I said just to meet back at the apartment. When I arrived, I ddin't see her car there, and I picked up the mail. By the time I parked she was standing in the parking lot to greet me. She packed (I checked my email and saw that Janel had written back, presumably after the sent flowers, a one line email that said, "I love you!"), and we headed to Costco for gas, and then the Hotel. Her Aunt called and they spoke quickly.

I gave her a room key, and she took in the sight of the room. As she looked around I relaized, whoops, she can't look in certain places. So I blocked things like the refrigerator door, and the side of the bed...we realized that we had a couple hours before the dinner reservation to occur...sat for a little while, and then Janel turned on the Gilmore Girls. I excused myself for the restroom, and changed as fast as I could, into my suit, and tie. I went as far as to hide dress shoes under the sink...although I happened to of left the black pair of socks in my bag...and there wasn't really any time to get it without raising suspicion. I came out and stunned her a little bit (in white socks too), I asked if she could stand up, I knelt down on my right knee and began talking. After a while she began to tear up a little bit, and I kept on talking a little bit longer (which may have been unnerving). Then I asked. Without lengthy pauses or sidetracked answers (which I had been hearing other guys going through all weeek long), Janel accepted. Then, we opened up talking about the day, and the week, obstacles and close-calls. I let her in on everyone coming, and before we knew it, it was time for dinner. Janel made a couple of quick phone calls.

The restraunt was almost like a hole-in-the-wall location. As we entered I said that we had a reservation, and instantly Tanelly warmed up to us and pointed to our special table with flowers on it. Tucked in the corner, with pillows and one with a red heart-shape. Tanelly was funny and charming as he talked with us, we let him in that the question had been asked, and he was more than excited to serve us. He brought over some tasty pieces of chunky garlic coated pieces of bread and our drinks. He even picked out music specifically for us...cheesey 80's romance soundtrack tunes, and Janel knew every word. That was perfect. The meal was tasty too. Normally I am not a fan of mushrooms and tomatoes, but cover them with pork tenderloin and several oils, and you can't tell what they were anyway! Tanelly provided some free dessert and a signed menu, along with an anniversary candle and one of the bill-books. From there we hit up the Jacuzzi and ate fruit dipped in chocolate and drank sparkling cider. We both made a couple of phone calls too. After that, we were pretty tired, and called it a night.

Checklist Friday:
--Give Janel envelope containing word puzzle as she leaves
--Clean Bathroom
--Print Jason & Caroline's flight info
--Pack: wine glasses, glass bowl, Maalox/tums, camera, toy dolphin, suit, two outfits, workout and swimming clothes, puzzle answer key, razor, Nettie pot, etc.
--Get Cash
--Fred Meyer Fruit and Chocolate
--Take Roses to Janel at School
--Leave no later than noon to reach outlet mall (Van H-Purple Fleece, J Crew-Dog shorts)
--Radio/CD player pick-up
--Hotel Check-in (where to park, unpack)
--Call Janel (inform her that Aunt must use Garage code)
--Pick up Janel with purple fleece handy
--Massage (must have at least Jasmine/Ylang Ylang)
--Hot bath (salts, dolphin)--Allow only bathrobe to be available (maybe dog shorts too)--Set up rose petal trail
--Slow dance
--Drop right knee, speech, doogie tribute, ask

--Rough Ideas of what to say: "As of yesterday, we brushed over what would be our three and a half year anniversary mark. You have been with me at my very best, and we have also tugged at opposite ends of a rope. Your strength has been a firm grip as I have made some teeth clenching decisions, and just your presence with me means more than I have ever been able to communicate to you. I know this, because your expressions say a lot. And yet you humor me another chance to try another approach. Today I tried to hit all the shots. A word puzzle which at times seems to be your favorite thing to do, the word color from when I know I became hooked on you, a purple fleece for that adored shade, dogs on shorts is a closer step to having that animal you desire, a tyou dolphin for the obvius reason, a relaxing evening complete with a hot bath because I want to give back the release of tension you provide with a simple rummage of fingers through my hair (and I know with expectations of today, that this may not have been as all relaxing as I wished for you), a slow dance because I don't often do, and an object wrapped in this box, which I can only describe as being the closest thing currently I could think of to keep the memories of those long lost. You have a strong patients, an addicting smile, a remarkable energetic spirit, you've been a wise teacher, and a passionate friend. Last weekend and the weekend before were amazing times. I have fallen into another realm of loving you that I did not ever expect to hit upon. What more can I do, but ask if I could selfishly cover a portion of your flesh. Janel, excluding symbols and traditions, I want to always be here for you, to be that caring ear, to provide the appropriate support, to bring you that comforting sleep. It is at great risk that that you will sacrifice this region of skin from ever having the chance to tan. Janel, my friend, my beautiful petal, my internal utopia from the world, would you do me the honor of committing the rest of time, and marry me?

--Let Janel know that this is a temporary engagement ring
--Fruit, chocolate