Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Proposal Letter - Part 6

Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Pics, 9 (Final).

Unfinished - Updated Edit

It was now Wednesday, and I had been failing the practice of massage and dancing in the morning before work. I had it planned each day too...I had the pages copied with steps on it, and massage book pages marked (52, 58-61, 64, 69-78, 80-93). My thoughts were that I should just do a rundown Friday morning, and possibly skip the dance steps altogether and just sway a bit or something. I also wanted to get a haircut, but couldn't justify why I needed one at night, and not get it over the weekend, so that thought got pushed back. I thought maybe Friday morning, but I thought I had a full plate for that day already, let alone the annoyance of tiny cut ends all over the place all day long.At work, Brian, Ruth and Erica learned about what I was going to be doing...word traveled very slowly...I also got the idea that I should jot this little journal-like write up of the leading events as things snowballed. For the most part on Friday I had a lot of work at work. My to-do-list was considerably revised. Finding some kind of music was tough, I tried to download some jazz in the morning to no avail. I called the Hotel to see if they had the option to play CD's through DVD players, or anything like that, but they did not. So, I called up Kristen to borrow theirs. I called my dad up, since he has been the only family member I have not talked to about any of this. It was a short conversation, and at Kristen's suggestion, I made sure to ask him a question. I told him that he was the best source for random odd questions, and always had answers for them, so I asked him if there was any particular knee that touched the ground...and he said not really, and that most people tend to place their right knee down because they are right handed. Works for me! For the last two days, P2P programs have not been working, I tried Ares, I tried Soulseek, and I got nothing. Soulseek simply would not connect. So, I need to figure out music plan number two.

Checklist Wednesday:
--Call Hotel 206.325.1400 or Reservation Desk 800.590.1801 to see if rooms had cd players
--Call and talk to my dad
--Find some music
--Create some words to say