Thursday, October 6, 2005

Proposal Letter - Part 7

Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Pics, 9 (Final).

Unfinished - Updated Edits

A long day of work to accomplish. I would place today in the same scope as a not-so-good day. Work could have gone smoother, and then I hear from Janel that she seems to really want to meet up with her Aunt Loraine. Understandably...and so...I'm not even sure how it evolved, but while we took care of Jason and Caroline's cat and home, Janel was led on to thinking that someone was coming to visit us on Friday. I still was a bit bummed...and I allowed the lie to swell. Only the day before I made something up about my friend Phil coming to visit and that didn't come up. To top it off, I still didn't have any music, and Jason & Caroline's garage door would not open with the code...and that meant to me that we couldn't give her Aunt a useless code. So, we placed the key under the front door mat. Which has me feeling rather uncomfortable. Now all I can think about is that hoping that key remains there, and that the house remains safe. All of these elements combined were making me feel kinda smutty. I am thinking that there are so many aspects that combined may be overwhelming and actually may annoy Janel that I went to certain extremes. Later on she spat of a couple of names of who may actually be visiting as we headed for a meal at skippers, I let on nothing, and that annoyed her a bit. The knots were straining inside me. But alas...the ball is rolling now, and tomorrow is a very extensive day. With my nerves the way they were on Monday, and the uncomforting thoughts of tonight...I am pretty tired.

As for the dinner reservations, Kristen sent me the following:
Here are my suggestions for wonderful Italian, with great ambiance and stability (meaning they'll be here in 10 years when you want to go for your anniversary!):

Tulio's - owned by a great local Italian. It's a bit noisy, but make sure you get a booth, or let them know you're proposing that night and need a special table. Mr. Tulio is usually there and he can really make the night special. Parking is across the street in the garage (you might ask when you call them where they recommend parking, but it's probably that lot on the West side of 5th)

Palomino - this a chain, but it's an upper-scale chain. I like the layout and they leave you alone. Again, let them know that you're proposing. Their parking is in the City Centre building.

Il Terrazzo Carmine - Mr. Smeraldo is a CLASS ACT. He's always been there, each time I've dined there. It's a beautiful, very romantic lighting, quiet restaurant. The dinner is fabulous, it's got A LOT of character, very classy place. When you go to their website, it tells you where to park.

Brindisi - so, so cute and I am in love with Chef Luigi who wants to turn this portion of Pioneer Square into Little Italy. He promised to find me a "nice Italian boy." Sigh. Be very sure to tell them you're proposing and they'll treat you like royalty. They usually have Italian staff - but all of their waiters are just the best. I'm sending you a link to one of my favorite articles about Luigi and his three restaurants - plus it has the contact info. There's a parking garage right across the street, it's that weird triangle one. Call them though and ask where they recommend to park.
--Iron at least three shirts
--Charge Razor if necessary
--Select a dining location make reservation at Brindisi 206-223-0042